By: Victoria Taylor

Mr. Fox is one of Herndon High’s economics and personal finance teachers, but that’s only the beginning of his list of talents. Mr. Fox has been at Herndon for three years. He says that if he weren’t a teacher he would be a trapeze artist. Now, this isn’t the usual answer you’d expect from a teacher, but Mr. Fox isn’t just any ordinary teacher. He spent last summer working as a counselor at a trapeze camp and got to learn the art of trapeze. In addition to trapeze, Mr. Fox has coached JV boys basketball for the past two seasons. He says
he had a lot of fun coaching the team even though he claims to not be very good at basketball. Coaching helped him stay organized, but also said that he was more of a chaperone than a coach. He also runs the Super Smash Bros. club. They meet every other Thursday after school and play Super Smash Bros. Mr. Fox encourages anyone to join!
One of Mr. Fox’s favorite parts of working at Herndon is the opportunity to learn Spanish from his students. He took Spanish in high school but lost the skill after he stopped taking that class. Now, he says he’s gotten to learn even more with his Spanish speaking students, giving him what he says are free Spanish lessons. He says the way he learns is by just simply speaking to his students and trying to pick up new words as he moves along.
All in all, Mr. Fox has a lot to offer Herndon from his economic teaching skills to his passion for trapeze.